Around July of '07 my marriage of 7 years came to an end.. That's a whole unbelievable (literally) blog in itself, but the point is that I've always been intrigued by interesting travels. As a programmer, I work remote and as long as I've got cel and internet connectivity with my wireless broadband card, I'm good to go. Ultimately I would like to backpack through Europe, but first, I'm taking a smaller trek out west to get a little experience with travels of larger magnitude (view my route at the right of this page). This site will be a place for me to chronicle my travels, leave some photos, and jot down any interesting things that happen that I might one day forget.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Wednesday, October 24, 2007 - My parents left Monday and I switched modes back to lone traveller and headed up the coast to Mendocino county, MacKerricher State Beach near Fort Bragg to be specific. Monday night after work I checked out a bar in town to watch the Monday Night Football game. Nice people here, fantastic campsite.

Today a girl walked into starbucks and waved at me and said hello.. Obviously she thought I was someone else. Then I finally realized it was the bartender from the bar I watched the Monday night game at. This is definitely a town where everyone knows everyone.

Tuesday morning I came to Starbucks and before I even got inside had a long conversation with a guy outside - a good sign of a town. Inside I had about an hour conversation with Cliff Claven's brother - this guy knows everything. Tim is obviously very well read on generally every subject (not sure but I believe he may be retired). These are the kinds of people you can learn something from. Had about a 2 hour conversation with Tim today. One thing Tim said that made an impact - "Knowledge compounds on knowledge. One thing I envy about you and your generation - our society has come so far in so little time - I envy the things your generation is going to get to see in your lifetime that I won't get to see. It's a very exciting time for your generation right now."

The grass that lines the beach





Miles of wooden roads line the coast with nothing else in sight

Campsite forest

A MacKerricher Campsite

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