Around July of '07 my marriage of 7 years came to an end.. That's a whole unbelievable (literally) blog in itself, but the point is that I've always been intrigued by interesting travels. As a programmer, I work remote and as long as I've got cel and internet connectivity with my wireless broadband card, I'm good to go. Ultimately I would like to backpack through Europe, but first, I'm taking a smaller trek out west to get a little experience with travels of larger magnitude (view my route at the right of this page). This site will be a place for me to chronicle my travels, leave some photos, and jot down any interesting things that happen that I might one day forget.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Redwoods/Big Sur

Sunday, September 30, 2007 - After checking out Hearst Castle yesterday I came back to my campground and did some hiking through the redwoods. Today, I left early to find a bar in Monterey to watch some NFL. However driving back up PCH 1 I remembered seeing a small canyon below a bridge I crossed that left an impression on me. I found this little canyon nestled in a sharp curve under the highway. Below this bridge is a freshwater creek that wanders under the bridge, cuts through an opening in the rock and leads right out into the ocean. A freshwater pool of clear but green water exists a hundred yards or so before the ocean. The contrast of colors is absolutely incredible, and though I have enclosed some pictures, they do it no justice. To get the picture I truly wanted to get, I would have had to trespass on some people's property and I didn't feel like getting caught. However I drove on a little ways, found a beach access trail, then walked a ways back to get into the canyon and get some so-so shots.

Made it to Monterey and watched NFL games at a bar called Character's. Cool people here as well, the bartender let me know of a local brewery called 1066 that brews great beer. I will try and check it out before I'm out of the area.



Pfeiffer Falls - not quite Ribbon Falls, but the hike there is more what you're after anyway

The freshwater canyon under "Garrapatta Bridge"

An anaconda.

The freshwater creek leading to the ocean



Nice waves here; bad ending though.

Heaven shines on a dumpster

A surfer at big sur - huge waves here with very dangerous rock underneath


Anonymous said...

How does the weather feel like this time of the year. I mean, is the water in the Pacific warm enough to go in for a little swim? I know the pictures may be a little old by now, it's just I wonder if as you make it up further north does the temperature in the water drops to where you are not able to jump in or does it stay pretty much the same as you make your way up...

Bundt said...

The water is a tad colder as I've moved north.. Not sure though if that's because of geography or time (it's a month closer to winter than when I was in socal). In any case, it takes some balls to jump in the water here, or I guess, lack thereof.