Around July of '07 my marriage of 7 years came to an end.. That's a whole unbelievable (literally) blog in itself, but the point is that I've always been intrigued by interesting travels. As a programmer, I work remote and as long as I've got cel and internet connectivity with my wireless broadband card, I'm good to go. Ultimately I would like to backpack through Europe, but first, I'm taking a smaller trek out west to get a little experience with travels of larger magnitude (view my route at the right of this page). This site will be a place for me to chronicle my travels, leave some photos, and jot down any interesting things that happen that I might one day forget.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Wednesday, September 27, 2007 - Made my way up the pacific coast highway today from Montana de Oro in Los Osos, headed for my next campsite at Sunset Beach in Monterey Bay - about a 4 hour drive on PCH 1. Highway 1 hugs the pacific coast as it winds around mountains for hundreds of miles. The scenery however at this stretch of PCH 1 is incredible, as your elevation is constantly changing. Just feet off the road is the giant blue expanse in dramatic fashion; I swear I could see the curvature of the earth from up here. Saw tons of wineries as I drove through San Luis Obispo and Big Sur.

Stopped in Cambria for a late lunch at a local restaurant, which actually I believe was a house converted into a restaurant. The interior is all hardwood floor, many small rooms with tables in them, a basement dining area, and patio dining. I sat outside in the front, but felt like the restaurant greeter. Every person that walked in said hello, the waiters knew every patron's family, where their kids were going to school, etc. Love that small town feeling.

The restaurant in Cambria

View from PCH

View from PCH

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