Around July of '07 my marriage of 7 years came to an end.. That's a whole unbelievable (literally) blog in itself, but the point is that I've always been intrigued by interesting travels. As a programmer, I work remote and as long as I've got cel and internet connectivity with my wireless broadband card, I'm good to go. Ultimately I would like to backpack through Europe, but first, I'm taking a smaller trek out west to get a little experience with travels of larger magnitude (view my route at the right of this page). This site will be a place for me to chronicle my travels, leave some photos, and jot down any interesting things that happen that I might one day forget.

Monday, September 10, 2007

On the way to AZ

I took a couple detours on the way from Utah to Arizona - Bryce Canyon and Lake Powell, although I only drove through the beginning of Bryce Canyon. Didn't think I really had enough time to visit Bryce Canyon (in Utah) and still make it to the Grandy Canyon at a decent time. Some pics below:

The dam at Lake Powell - to grasp the enormity of this thing look at the size of the cars at the bottom.
Lake Powell - beautiful and extends a great length. I'd love to kayak this on the way back.

Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon

My morning drive from UT to AZ


Redbendad said...

Yeah, Bryce Canyon is very surreal. Dora and I stayed in a cabin there last year. I think I'll see if I can build a 20-story condo in the middle of it, with mirrored outside walls. Whadayathink?

Bundt said...

I think that would cause a mental infinite loop.