Around July of '07 my marriage of 7 years came to an end.. That's a whole unbelievable (literally) blog in itself, but the point is that I've always been intrigued by interesting travels. As a programmer, I work remote and as long as I've got cel and internet connectivity with my wireless broadband card, I'm good to go. Ultimately I would like to backpack through Europe, but first, I'm taking a smaller trek out west to get a little experience with travels of larger magnitude (view my route at the right of this page). This site will be a place for me to chronicle my travels, leave some photos, and jot down any interesting things that happen that I might one day forget.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Colorado II

Thursday, September 06, 2007 – Spent today visiting the Denver Theological Seminary, and spending a little time with my folks – both great for the soul. My parents rock.. They have been horribly supportive in my little trek, and making sure I’ve got everything I need for it; including homemade cookies of course..

1 comment:

Mel said...

Man, your parents do rock...I love those cookies!!!